Our Services

Once the ideal Wind-Powered Microgrid™ configuration is confirmed and all structural and electrical designs or modifications have been clarified, Hover leads the execution of the installation through its network of local partners.

Innovating the Renewable Energy Industry

Our advanced aerodynamic design creates efficiencies that are unmatched in the rooftop wind market. Bringing together the unique strengths of solar and the technological breakthrough of the Hover Array System, the Hover Wind-Powered Microgrid™ opens new doors for businesses and government agencies to achieve net zero.

Commercial Installations

Island Installations

Small Business Installations

Site Analysis

Operations & Maintenance

Environmental Initiatives

The Future is Now

Ready to generate power directly on your rooftop? Schedule a consultation today to learn how Hover's Wind-Powered Microgrid™ can be flexibly configured to provide an individualized solution to for your onsite power needs.
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