In the ever-changing world of renewable energy technology, one can easily get lost in the sea of acronyms and jargon. It is often difficult to discern between the “Energy Transition” that is currently happening from the once-oft-quoted ‘sustainability industry’ to the massive “DER migration.” Or is it different at all? Should I focus on “building decarbonization” or on “electrification” as the strategic direction for my business? Where do I turn for getting the clarity I need to make a decision? Is it the DOE, IEA, IEEE, USGBC, or somewhere else? The acronyms can get overwhelming, and none answer our corporate and often personally simple question – “what are my options, and/or what is the best course of action?”
The answer is not another acronym. And the answer is not just ‘Hover.’ Hover is, however, here to help. More pointedly, the question boils down to “how much clean power can I really get, and at what price?” But given the complexity of how that happens, it can be far more confusing than this simple statement would suggest. The answer truly is found in relationships. Quite literally, the secret behind the ‘power’ between and among all these elements is actually the relationship between them, not the kWh produced. In exploring the “how does it all fit together” question, Hover studied the relationships between industries, technologies, and seemingly unrelated areas such as magnetics & real estate, government policies & building shapes, power & people, to find commonalities, alignment, and synergies. And what we discovered was nothing short of a “eureka” moment. We found kWhs that didn’t exist before, and product/solution performance improvements that could only be achieved through synergies one might never predict.
This remarkable and unorthodox process of revelation began during our product development, as we discovered the relationship between building shape and turbine performance. It continued when we discovered the boost achievable when removing a center shaft for rotation while measuring sound impact on buildings. And it culminated in the actual contractual structure between installation partner, utility and buyer, with Hover both directly & indirectly. Each one of these efforts had its direct impact on cost per kWh, but taken together the numbers did more than add up… they had an exponential impact! Thus, literally, power was created through better relationships.
Think of it this way: nearly all power consumed today is produced far from the point of use. Distance creates problems, even though for decades we’ve believed that centralized power was more efficient. The fact is that distance actually kills efficiency. And we all know how long-distance relationships just don’t work. The closer together, the more powerful (pun intended) the relationship. So why did we have it backward for so long? Well, we don’t have to anymore.
Through focusing on the amazing value that each of our technical partners brings to the table, together with the physical elements of an actual DER installation, such as onsite wind variables, building shapes, force loads, product shape and aerodynamics, and then adding to that combination the very customized, variable load of any given building, and this results in a complex algorithm for power production and consumption; one that demands a more complex set of contracts and agreements to capture it properly. This massive complexity has been traditionally handled by dozens of contractors and service providers working disparately for their own interests. And that complexity is costly. Now, Hover has acted as the center-point of that complexity; and simultaneously serves to simplify it for our clients. What clients then receive is simple: improved delivery of maximum power onsite at a reduced cost.
And importantly in Hover’s technical development, what 36 Patents did for Hover was not the beginning, but rather the result of extensive relationship analysis that augmented performance through a singular, integrated and compelling solution. And the more we have explored just how Hover’s system integrates with what is available today, the more excited we become about the possibilities going forward.
Net-zero is a nice goal; net positive is a more accurate and needed target; ubiquitous power might be the best goal for us all. And one thing is for certain; going from where we are today to ubiquitous power for all is going to take a reshaping of the way we think about power. What Hover has discovered so far is that stronger relationships between and among all the jargon and stakeholders are the key to unlocking that potential. It is not the problem at all, it’s not even a problem; indeed, it has revealed the solution.
Hover is here to do our part and help. Let’s get there together!