We Ensure Reliability
Sustainability & Efficiency

Unique Technology

Hover begins with your site’s consumption profile, onsite usage fluctuations and time of use analysis prior to any design suggestions. The site’s needs should dictate the design. When this is done well, we find efficiencies increase and optimize more quickly.

Greater Grasp of Site Dynamics. We envision a world where sites are able to capture, onsite, the energy needed to power the entire site. That’s why we designed the Hover Wind-Powered Microgrid™ to meet onsite power needs for sites, worldwide. Our climate technologies and control systems are unlike any other.

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Discreet Product Design
Low Noise & Vibration
Safe & Sustainable
Energy Security
Meet Demands
Easy to Maintain
Locally Captured
Affordable Pricing

A More Resilient &
Sustainable Solution

Every Hover Wind-Powered Microgrid™ installation is customized based two primary factors: first, on our client’s goals; and second, an analysis of the available sun and wind resources at that location.

he Hover microgrid combines wind, solar and storage to deliver a reliable, high volume of power. Mounted along the windward edges of building rooftops, our wind turbine arrays generate power 24 hours a day, often producing a multiple of the power per square foot than solar. Mounted in the center of the roof, away from the shadow of the parapet, solar panels generate predictable power during a majority of the daytime hours. This unique and powerful combination delivers greater impact and offset to your building’s load.

At the heart of the Hover microgrid is our smart, or more accurately defined, ‘intelligent’, Integrated Energy Management System (IEMS), which combines the energy generated by both wind (AC) and solar (DC) into one clean, 480V 3-Phase power stream.

Hover’s Wind-Powered Microgrid™

We have filed more than 32 U.S. and international patents, 22 of which have been granted, issued (or allowed). The wind units, installed in an array design, create a multiplicative effect, which increases the efficiency of all the units in the microgrid. The solar and solar+battery systems can add tremendous efficiency, even when added in smaller sizes. The IBM-powered control system is the heart of the operating system, managing energy flow and perpetually optimizing based on the site’s conditions. The combination creates a highly sophisticated system that ensures your site stays ready for any eventuality, allowing you to focus on the business you started and removing any energy production and consumption concerns.



Hover’s Wind-Powered Microgrid™ can be flexibly configured to provide an individualized solution to meet our customers’ onsite power needs. The HE 4.4 commercial wind design captures efficiencies not yet seen in climate technology, and the Renewable Energy Router™ optimizes, in real-time, a variety of power sources specifically suited to your site. They say ‘form follows function’ and we agree. Only we prefer to say that ‘design defines decentralization’. Both apply to your site. We make it work for you.


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Hover Applications

Due to its high energy density, Hover’s Wind-Powered Microgrid™ can provide an optimal solution for the built environment and island communities, which have limited area within to create onsite power.


Hover Applications

Due to its high energy density, Hover’s Wind-Powered Microgrid™ can provide an optimal solution for the built environment and island communities, which have limited area within to create onsite power.

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Island Communities

Island communities often import raw materials to produce power which is high in cost. The Hover Wind-Powered Microgrid™ can deliver energy at a lower cost,but more importantly, can provide clients with a more resilient, secure source of energy for their building.

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Alternative Applications

Companies and organizations are investing in renewable energy for power independence or Microgrid communities. Hover is the solution to meet those needs.

Achieving Net Zero & Beyond

While solar is a useful contributor of clean energy, companies have learned through experience that solar alone won’t get them all the way to net zero. Those that have covered their rooftops with solar panels may reduce their reliance on the grid by 20%, or in rare cases, 30%, but for those seeking to generate closer to 80-100% of their power needs onsite, a Hover microgrid, which generates clean energy 24 hours a day, is the best solution.

We look forward to discussing your sustainability goals and your interest in a more impactful microgrid at your convenience. Hover is here to help.

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