More Than Just a Renewable Energy Company


Based in Dallas, Texas, Hover Energy is changing the renewable energy sector nationwide and globally. We’re here to disrupt the status quo and bring to life new possibilities. Our goal is to get each client closer to and beyond energy independence – and as crazy as that may have once sounded – we now know it’s 100% possible.

Wind power overtook hydroelectric as the largest source of renewable generation in 2019, and this is only just the beginning.  Hover is not only reshaping the way people think about wind power but by moving power production to the point of use, we are redefining sustainability as a whole. Consumption of renewable energy in the United States has been steadily increasing year over year, with wind and solar being two of the fastest-growing renewable resources, and we aren’t done yet.  We envision a world where people are connected directly to the power they consume.  In the past, using renewable energy as a primary source of power may have seemed too far out of reach for most companies. However, building owners and tenants can now generate, use, and store energy directly on their roof, generating as much as 4X more power (per square foot) than other renewable energy solution.

Hover’s Wind-Powered Islanded Microgrid has proven test results demonstrating never before achieved efficiencies for microgrids, pushing the DER market into new realms.  With the next generation of Hover microgrids projected to operate at efficiencies over 50%, reaching net zero and beyond has become a reality.  And Hover is leading the charge!

With Hover, the future is beautifully green. The design of our wind-powered, islanded microgrids is everything a building owner needs to safely generate renewable energy directly on your rooftop.

Not sure if Hover Energy is the right solution for you?  We specialize in island communities and the entire built environment, including alternative applications.  Island communities typically have high power costs because all of their fuel must be imported.  We help empower these communities to achieve energy independence and resiliency while lowering their overall costs.

Finally, our microgrid systems have been engineered specifically to handle both ‘new construction’ and retrofit applications in locations with a limited footprint.  This can be especially important for cities with existing buildings that are interested in installing a system directly on their rooftop. Hover Wind Powered Islanded Microgrids are always configured to maximize wind generation, and we’d love to help you design the best solution for your building.

At Hover, we’re not just another renewable energy company – we want to be your partner, and help bring your energy transition goals to life.  We believe that we can accomplish great things when we do them together – indeed we have already seen it happen countless times. So, if you are ready to reach your renewable energy goals, contact us today or visit to learn more.