We Solve Your
Challenge for Your Site

We help clients reduce their energy costs & carbon footprint, and accelerate their energy transition.

A More Resilient & Sustainable Solution

Every Hover Wind-Powered Microgrid™ installation is customized based two primary factors: first, on our client’s goals; and second, an analysis of the available renewable resources at that location.

The Hover microgrid combines wind, solar (and any other available resource) with storage to deliver a reliable, high volume of power. Mounted along the windward edges of building rooftops, our wind turbine arrays generate power 24 hours a day, often producing a significant multiple of the power per square foot that can be achieved with solar. Mounted in the center of the roof, away from the shadow of the parapet, solar panels generate predictable power during a majority of the daytime hours. This unique and powerful combination delivers greater impact and offset to your building’s load.

At the heart of the our microgrid solution is our smart, or more accurately defined, ‘intelligent’, Renewable Energy RouterTM, an integrated Energy Management System (iEMS), which combines the energy generated by all sources, both wind (AC) and solar (DC) into one cleaned and combined, power stream.

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How it Works

Every Hover Wind-Powered Microgrid™ installation is customized based on two primary factors: first, on our client’s goals; and second, an analysis of the available renewable resources at that location.

Ensuring critical enterprise asset management, IBM’s software sits on top of Hover’s proprietary hardware and bolsters the asset management of all the resources. IBM’s WatsonX then uses its AI functionality to connect each client to the jurisdictional regulations to which it chooses to submit and reports Scope 1, 2 & 3 targets in real time, giving every client the ability to not only manage but also report on its progress towards “real zero”. We will get there . . . together.  Indeed in cases, we already have.


Learn more about the recognition and awards that Hover Energy and our Wind-Powered Microgrid™ Technology are receiving
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We are honored to be recognized by the Power Technology Excellence Awards. We are reminded of the countless hours and hard work it took to get to this point. While we see this step as encouraging and edifying for many reasons, it’s still just one step.
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Net zero power-Hybrid Project of the Year
Leading Innovation consistently now, 3 years in a row!!
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Hover’s Renewable Energy Router™ was shortlisted for Technology Innovation of the Year at the 2023 Wind Investment Awards.
Hover Energy was granted the 2022 Technology Innovation Award at the 2022 Wind Investment Awards for clear potential of a global application that highlighted costs and benefits to the wind industry.
Hover Energy was granted the 2020 Most Innovative Wind Power Generation Technology Firm Award at the 2020 Design and Build Awards.

Be a Part of the Global Clean Power Solution

Reduce energy costs and carbon footprint, and accelerate
energy transition with Hover Energy.